Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Failed donuts

Well, I don't know why but a few weeks ago I took it upon myself to try and make some chocolate cake donuts.  They sounded so good, and so much like nothing that I can have any more.  So I broke out my GFDF cookbook, and started away at them.  The batter looked good, and even tasted okay.  They smelled amazing while cooking, I think it was the instant espresso behind the chocolate


I took them out of the oven.  No problem, they cooked up, even looked done.  I let them cool and when I went to take them out of the pan?  They would not budge.  Stuck tight even with the greasing.  I tasted them and they were pretty good, so I made them into *dun dun dun duuun* a big chocolate mess!!

Covered with an easy chocolate frosting and some sprinkles, it looked and tasted reminiscently of crumbly cake.  Something was off, but I didn't complain too much.  Since I had still more batter, I decided to cook my next batch up as a pan of cakey brownies.

This pan turned out pretty well.  It looked like it was supposed to, even if it still had the same off taste.  I think I only had a few bites before I threw this one away.  Honestly, I am still not getting the hang of this gluten free baking thing.  I am used to being able to make things from scratch and have them turn out well, and not being able to do that anymore is a little frustrating.  I could stick to mixes, but then I will never learn.  I just need to move on and keep trying until I find something that I like.

What about the rest of the cake mess, you ask?  Well, as I was sitting there with a plate full of crumbled donuts, Gabe suggested that I make them into balls.  So, I did just that!

I didn't actually try any of these, but they must have been good because they all disappeared!  I liked the way they looked, but by this point I was sugared out.  At least I know that when something flops I can kind of save it :)

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